It’s Never Too Early To Start Thinking About Next Summer!
October 3, 2019
Each year, the American Camp Association, New England fields phone calls and e-Mails from families looking for advice on finding a camp. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach for this, but there are some universal tips to help start a smooth and painless camp-seeking experience.
Start Early. Start in New England.
So many factors impact sending a child to camp. That’s why ACA, New England recommends starting the camp search as early as possible. In October, summer can feel like forever away. However, many camps will open enrollment or registration for their summer programs next year as soon as camp ends this year. Those that don’t open registration until later will still publish information for the upcoming summer around this time. Hundreds of camps are nestled among the lakes, forests, beaches, mountains, and cities of New England. It is the original home of youth camping, and New England offers a variety of day, overnight, one-week, 4-week, 8-week, coed, all-girls, all-boys, traditional and specialty camps. While everyone can’t go to every camp, there is a camp for everyone in New England.
Camp Lochearn, Vermont
Do some research.
There is a wealth of resources to help families collect information and decide which camp is right for their child. Gather the nuts and bolts: dates, cost (tuition/fees), location, programs, session length, etc. Most camps provide this information on their websites. To help start your list, the American Camp Association hosts a Find a Camp tool that can help filter the search.
Look for an ACA Accredited Camp.
ACA, New England accredits over 350 youth camps. From hiring and programming, to health, safety and transportation, an ACA-accredited camp voluntarily undergoes a thorough peer-review of its operations. When scouting camps, look for the ACA-Accredited Camp logo on the organization’s website and other materials. See here for more information on ACA Accreditation, or contact us today to learn more.
Talk to the Camps.
Camp directors love to talk camp, and they especially love to talk with folks about their camp. Whether by phone, e-Mail, at camp on a tour, or at a camp fair, prepare questions to help you figure out if this is the camp for your child and family. Ask about the culture of the camp. Ask questions surrounding topics such as programming philosophy, competition, discipline, staff, transportation and overall camp experience to ensure this camp aligns with your values and expectations at home.
Maine Teen Camp, Maine
Sending a child to camp is a big decision, and it deserves the time and consideration to match its importance. By starting early and doing due diligence, families give their campers a head start on a successful summer.