Accreditation Visitors

To learn more about serving as an ACA Visitor and taking the next steps, reach out to Bud Copeland, Director of Membership & Engagement

Contact Bud

Visitors are the heart and soul of the ACA, Accreditation program. Without Accreditation Visitors, the American Camp Association could not implement the only, independent national Accreditation program for camps. Volunteer for one of ACA’s core programs to learn, share, and save!

Built by Learning

Gain Knowledge

Becoming a Visitor means becoming familiar with the entire Accreditation process.

Built by Volunteers

Give Back

Visitors are the backbone of the Accreditation Program. Without them (and you), ACA, New England

Built by Standards

Grow Camp

Serving as a Visitor means upholding and impacting foundational elements that ensure better camping for all.

Visitor Benefits

  • Engage with other camp pros in meaningful, constructive work to ensure and enhance the quality of camping that is summer camp in New England.
  • See other camp properties and operations. Take this opportunity to tour other camps you might otherwise not have seen.
  • Enhance your own knowledge and skillset around camp operations.
  • And Save! New England Visitors enjoy a special membership rate, $50

For next steps in becoming an Accreditation Visitor, reach out to Bud.

If you’re already an ACA, Visitor or curious about additional Accreditation resources, visit the Accreditation Academy.

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