and directors in the administration of key aspects of camp operation.
Why? - Accreditation
Establishes Guidelines
for needed policies, prodecures, and practices.
Why? - Accreditation
Assists the Public
in selecting camps that meet industry-accepted and governement-recognized standards.
The value of becoming an ACA New England Accredited Camp
Shows that your camp meets industry-accepted and government-recognized standards.
Shows that your camp is taking responsible steps toward the health and safety of campers and staff.
Provides specific actionable guidance so you don't have to guess.
Accreditation can reduce insurance rates.
A growing number of grants and funding opportunities require or weight ACA Accreditation.
Provides 1-10 Individual Memberships with all included member benefits per camp.
Ready to get started?
Your Timeline
ACA recommends the camp leadership expect a minimum of six months but more generally eight to 18 months preparation time. A nine-month schedule looks something like this.
Interested in learning more about Accreditation or applying?