Three Signs that Summer Camp Starts in Autumn
October 2, 2022
Since Frederick Gunn took his students on a two week journey from Washington, Connecticut down to Welch’s Point in 1861, the summer camp experience has grown exponentially. While summer can feel forever away this time of year, believe it or not, summer camp starts in Autumn.
The American Camp Association accredits over 400 camps throughout New England, and before the leaves begin to change colors, every one of those camps is already thinking about next summer.
Registration Starts
First, camps know their registration. Don’t get caught behind the eight-ball mid-April when the registration window has been open for months. Some camps open registration for next summer before the dust settles on this summer, but most will wait. Either way, knowing when that window opens is step one to registering.
Hiring Starts
Second, camps are hiring. Fall is prime time for camps to assess their summer staff, make decisions on returners, and begin those conversations to know what holes to fill when hiring picks up. Instead of campers, if you have young-adult children, have a free summer yourself, or know people who’d benefit from working at camp, it’s never too early to inquire about jobs. Like registering, even if a camp isn’t hiring, they can tell you when to circle back. Bonus, the proactive outreach shows initiative which is a good first foot to put forward.
Camp Costs Money
Last but certainly not least, camps cost money. It’s not the only factor when picking a camp, but it can be the most considerable. Though not every camp is a good fit for every camper, we strongly believe there is a camp for every camper. This could mean developing a savings plan, setting payment reminders on your calendar, or researching scholarship/financial aid possibilities. Regardless of your tuition situation, the best time to start is fall.
Finding a camp is a process, but time is on your side if you start early. Camps want to connect with families as much as families want to learn more about camps.
And as always, the American Camp Association, New England is available to help. We can’t tell you which camp to choose, but we can help you through the process.
As always, when looking for a camp, look for the ACA, Accredited Logo. For anything else, visit to see Accredited Camps on our Find-a-Camp map or connect with any of our staff.