WILDERNESS FIRST AID (Wilderness Medical Associates)
Saturday, June 15th (8:00 AM) – Sunday, June 16th (5:00 PM)
This course trains counselors, especially trip leaders, in emergency first aid in wilderness environments. Basic ideas for medicine for the field, emphasis on practical skills, and realistic simulation exercises are included. This course includes Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA) Adult CPR.
Requires-Minimum age: 18 (ages 16 & 17 may participate with written parental permission). REQUIRES ONLINE REGISTRATION WITH WMA. WINONA WILL PROVIDE LINK. SPECIAL NOTES: This course meets ACA mandatory Standard: HW-1C.
Price: $225
Course certifications document that a candidate successfully passed the requirements set forth by the American Red Cross (ARC), American Heart Association (AHA), the State of Maine, U.S. Sailing Association or Wilderness Medical Associates.
Certification is not a guarantee at our clinics. Instructors have sole responsibility in determining a candidate’s suitability for enrolling in a course and whether or not certification will be given or withheld, according to the standards of the governing organization. Winona will abide by instructor decisions, while assisting candidates to reach their goals. Most requirements for all courses are offered prior to, after, or within each course. Each course has a minimum number of participants required to conduct the course.
NOTE: All swimming course (Lifeguard Instructor, WSI) candidates are required to bring some type of wetsuit. This is in an effort to limit the problems caused by weather and pond temperature. Lifeguard and Lifeguard Instructors should also bring a mask and fins as they are a required part of the ARC Waterfront courses. All courses which have a CPR component will receive a new pocket mask as part of the course fees.
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