We have been listening and know that you are eager to hear from your camp colleagues about how summer 2020 went. So, ACA, New England is putting together a series of Learnings from the Field panel discussions on the following dates and topics. We hope you’ll join us for one or more of the sessions to hear from a variety of camps from all over New England!
Cost: FREE for ACA members; $20/panel non-members
Registration is required for each session. Zoom links will be sent a few days prior to each panel.
Please plan to join us live for these sessions! Recordings will not be widely shared.
Registrations are non-refundable but may be transferred to another participant from your camp/organization prior to the start of the session.
Questions? Reach out to Kerry, ACA New England Director of Education and Professional Development, at kerry@acanewengland.org or 781-541-6080 ext. 104.
Update your e-Mail subscription preferences now!