Throughout the “off season”, EPIC New England hosts monthly drop-ins for Emerging Professionals In Camping to connect and share thoughts, questions, information, etc. around the topics that currently affect them in camping.
Follow ACA, New England on Instagram @acanewengland for details as each Hot Topics approaches.
Emerging Professionals In Camping (EPIC) is a kindred group within the American Camp Association for counselors, staff, and other camp professionals to connect and grow their careers in camping.
In January 2019, a group of emerging professionals in New England camping gathered at the ACA, New England office in Lexington, MA. Since then, EPIC, New England has continued to provide support, connections, and opportunities for anyone making that move into a camp career or taking another step towards their goals in the industry.
If you are someone passionate about a career in camping or a current camp pro looking for more growth and development, you are EPIC.
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