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As a leading authority for summer camps and youth development, ACA works to preserve, promote, and improve the camp experience.

6 Tips To Prepare First-Time Overnight Campers

April 15, 2019

Whether your family has a long tradition of summer camp or this is the first camper from your clan, once you’ve made the decision to send your child to camp, the real work begins. Directors in our membership have shared thoughts on first-time, overnight campers, and below are 6 tips for preparing those campers.

  1. Try sleepovers.
    • Some first-time campers have never slept away from home before. While camp is a great place for young people to adjust to being away from home and family, it’s not the best place to begin the experiment. Slumber parties, going to a relative’s house for the weekend, or spending the night at a friend’s house, are all good practice for dealing with that unfamiliar feeling prior to night one at camp.
  2. Involve the camper in the process.
    • From the first conversation about camp, it is a family affair. Including the camper in these preparations and decisions lays the foundation for a positive camp experience. Finding camps, taking tours, talking to directors, planning communication, packing, etc. and anything the family can involve the camper with, they should. The more a camper feels ownership over this experience, the better. “Buying in” isn’t always the easiest for first-timers, so start early, keep them involved and informed, and empower them throughout the process.
  3. Set and Manage Expectations
    • It’s easy to tell campers everything is going to be fine, and they are going to love camp. Odds are, you’re telling the truth. However, experience teaches us that love for camp often comes over time. Campers may experience homesickness, anxiety, or other unfamiliar feelings for the first time at camp. It’s important to talk about these feelings, communicate how normal they are, and brainstorm strategies to cope and continue having fun.
  4. Communication is Key
    • Camps have policies and procedures for communication during the summer. Some camps allow phone calls, some print e-mails for the campers, and almost all still encourage snail mail. Learn camp’s policies regarding camper communication and review them with your camper. Set realistic expectations for if, when, and how they can share the fun their having at camp. Also, pre-write a few letters and send them ahead of time for your camper. Hearing their name at mail call is one of camp’s thrills!
  5. Be honest with camp
    • Prior to camp, parents should communicate any and all pertinent information that could influence their child’s summer. Whether it’s family dynamics at home, new developments at school, or recent health changes, sharing this information openly and honestly with your camp sets up all parties for success. Things such as bed-wetting, new medications, or having a camper whose sister who’s going away to college after the summer, can all be useful in helping camps prepare for your child.
  6. Go do something (the parents)
    • You’ve done due diligence finding a camp. You’ve packed, practiced and rehearsed arrival day, and the time has come to drop off your camper. Once at camp, don’t stick around too long. When you depart, the magic of camp truly begins. Take this time and enjoy it. That could mean reading a book you’ve been putting off, getting together with other parents who are summer empty-nesters, or doing any number of things that the joy of parenting forces you to delay. Remember that your child is off making new friends and facing new challenges in a safe environment. It’s time to step back and both have some fun.

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